Saturday, December 25, 2010

A Gift from God

Well, I have not written any specific letter to God. But i wish that i will try to write someday. But when there is no necessity of mine is there so i don't think that till that time i will be writing any letter to Him.

Coming to the point, rather coming to the Gift i got from Him is, My Precious Friends. Precious because whatever u wish from God is precious to you at that time and when you got it from Him than it become more precious. Howsoever, i never tried to know myself, as my friend use to update me about myself. So, helpful they are.

Well, i never tried to categorized my friends. Reasons.... you need reasons too. Impressive.. if you think that you need reasons than i never tried to know me else you got to know yourself. Before that i want to tell you that i dun believe in "True" "Lovely" "Cool" "By the way" "Close" even "Online" Friends.. I believe that if you add adjectives for friends, it does not change its Definition.Howsoever, people like to add these words to show other guy in which category he lies, which i never want to tell as it differentiate them apart.

BTW.. for people who don't know the reasons, for them i want to tell that whatsoever you feel for me, either good or bad, you will be a Friend for me ever as you also a God Gifted thing for me.

Still.. i don't feel shy in telling people that i am addicted in making Friends. It somehow, directly or indirectly, help me a lot. A few people know that i am very reserved kind of person except in my Friendly environment. In that environment, i feel very happy and share every good and bad part of my life with my friends. I don't feel shameful that i somehow rely on my friends. If i don't have them i feel too much alone that i cause me fuzzy.

But still, Its KALYUG.. that mean that what you getting is not fully guaranteed but is under warranty. So, i also got same thing. I got majorly good friends. But in all those friends i got some friends which i never expected to be so bad. Truly saying, it was my mistake, because i believed them too much making them feel that they can easily take advantage of me. But whatever happened, you cant change.

I believe that every friendship start with TRUST of yours on other person. On that only he start believing you and share things. So, whenever you lost this trust just make yourself clear that you loose everything in friendship.

In my life i gained many friends. Even now i had very big circle of mine in whole world. But seriously only few understand me. Howsoever, i never made anything hide from anyone. But to what ratio i add my friends, i loose them up exponentially. Grounds on which i loose them are either Baseless, Reckoned, Chattered and mainly Misunderstood. Those whom i lost on such grounds, i have pity on them. that they believed on such things.

So, to whom i did ever wrong i m still sorry for all that. And you always be welcomed to be my friend again. But on same trust. I know its hard, but you are my One of Precious Friend whom i never want to loose but bad time made this happen.

I also not even tried to mentioned names specifically. because these things only create misunderstanding. HEHE... so forth.. i will be writing a letter to Him for same reason that He send me Gifts but why He took them away from me!


  1. Well first of all thanx bro..for thou called me precious :D :P
    I can see you have fully articulated yourself in this post..nice..because keeping things to yourself isnt the best thing to do..and a blog is one of the best place to do so..
    Now waiting for your letter to The Bro.. :)

  2. "if you add adjectives for friends, it does not change its Definition." Pretty true.

    Yeah, you definitely have written this (not made anyone else write this for you) because one can most probably tell about the author from his writing style.

    Hey but don't you think, this was pretty drab post for a 'debut post'. Anyway, you have written what you wanted to write, pretty cool.

    Is this your PR blog, where you clarify things that people misunderstand about you? Well if thats the case, you should definitely invite 'friends' with whom you fought recently.

  3. @Path3tic well u never knw that i gv great preferences to my frndz!!! Bt lemme tell ya that i m JUS LIKE THAT!:D.. Nd yea i will write soon another letter ..:P

    @Ravs well its wht i feel. so in this Blog of mine be sure that i dun hav copied frm ny other one. I m nt in such int interest of "cut copy paste".. nd taking of misunderstanding.. i hav already clearified that they chose me to b not their friend. they are always invited. coz they only are who left me.

  4. @Ravs n Pro :- thnx fr ur comments. and be sure about it that its not copied. Its smthing which is deep from my heart. U knw nwdays i hav lost many things. Bt its u who nt make me feel that. Thnx fr ur support.

  5. Well, Ravs a great man has said, if u have a friend in life you cant think better of that , finding two friends mean you are quite lucky, and if you third one then you are quite rare and special....knowing world is good...and some time people do confuse with known one's and friends since every one lives in surrounding.
    In my case after School I have not got a single friend in college than in my professional life I have good quite gud relationship but have only friends.
    its not about making special friends but it all about treating your friends as way that he must feel special.

    friendship is only relation ship which grows in intensity even when you are sleeping......its a broad thing and very special thing because rest all relationship is either you got by birth of have been given by society but in case of friends..they are the people you choose by your choice without any other influence its completely your decision and its very essential for individual to respect its own independent decision.

  6. I wrote about my blog and u commented on someone else post instead! :D

    Anyways, you haven't met any of my college friends but you still went on to actually read the blog and then comment here. That was a really nice gesture from you, i must say.

    Coming to the topic of friend. You always say at least one thing that is really interesting.

    "its not about making special friends but it all about treating your friends as way that he must feel special."

    I don't have too many 'friends' (I differentiate between friends and acquaintances), only a handful. I can literally count them on my hands.

    And as you might have seen from some of my posts that they are actually special to me. And I don't need to repeat that you are an integral part of them.
