Tuesday, March 15, 2011

So What do You Think?

As you know, my blog right now is under limited preview (kind of like the beta version to remove any bugs that might have been left). So, only you who is reading this right now, has the right to comment also. So, comments, for me are mostly like feedbacks whether you are liking what I am writing or not. Unfortunately, I don't get a very regular stream of comments. But I know, most of you read what I write (even if that's only for friend's sake). So, I keep wondering what goes into your mind when you read my blog.

Is it like...

VK: Oh, cut this same old stuff. Why can't he write on something interesting. This is like he is telling me his autobiography. Wish, he could write something related to current affairs like politics or even sports. Seems like he is afraid that I will shut his mouth down with my reasoning.. Hehehe (Evil Laugh >D

Katy: Yeah, good. He can write some pretty good stuff. I always knew that this kid had potential. He is always the smart one while commenting on my posts, so obviously he had something to say. But, well can't he write a few poems; I would wanna see how good is he in there. Not as good as me, I know (Wide Grin :D

YogS: Wo, Wo.. What the heck has he written here. This is just a piece of crap. But well afsos, I can't tell him. 'Cause he is my best buddy and I can't risk quarreling with him lest he will get pissed off. Hehe, but poor guy thinks he is writing something coo! (mischievous smile >) But I would like him to write about his girl friend sometime.

XP: LOL. I can't think anything else but LOL, reading this. I mean what the LOL is this. Baah.. But thank God he didn't write anything about me, otherwise I would have screwed him. LMAO. LOL. (And he faints ROFLing XP

SJain: Well, he didn't write anything about me? Then what's there anything to read or comment about anyways. Well he is OK but not that coo! OK, let me get a Job first and then I will restart my blog and tell this guy, who the real blogger uncle is.(faint smile :/, mixed with sorrow expression :(

Laloo: Why does he keep messaging me about this buzzRSH every alternate night? And what the gobar is this? Why waste so much time writing and reading this. He could have made a animated gif out of it. Or asked me to make it. End of matter. (Sheepish smile :?.

Manish: ..... (Sorry, he is still to figure out what this is all about, so I can't think what he would have thought reading one of my typical posts). (No expression :|

PK: Hmm.. This is good. But my last post was way more hilarious than this one. Of course, I can't comment that, since he is one of the permanent commentators on my own blog. So, let's write all the goody goody things. May be one or 2 sentences of criticism/differences thrown in sometimes. BTW check out thepath3ticblog.blogspot.com. (innocuous laugh with an ulterior motive ;D

Alright, so that's it, that's what I can imagine what you might be thinking. Now, I may be way off the radar, but then how can I tell correctly when you don't open up with me. So what do you think of this one?


  1. Hehehe :D Laloo one was hilarious :D but my last post was way hilarious than this one :P
    Well I'd say my part is partially true and partially not..as I dont think about thepath3ticblog when I read BuzzRSH..may be because the topics are very different..you generally write about things that has a base of reality and are connected to you...while i write about random stuff which is generally imaginary. So you see imagination is usually more hilarious than reality :P.
    And yeah thats true I tend to write good things because you know, I dont have a 'critic' kinda mind..I wont criticize unless i think i really should or you piss me off. :P
    So I many times i get this:
    Me: Hey you watched that movie..its so cool!
    Others : Haha are you drunk? that movie is a frickin' disaster..that actor doesnt even know actin..it only got half star...bla bla..blaaha..
    Me (in mind): shut up dammit, i had fun!

    SO thats the thing! I had fun! :)

  2. Hey Ravs....Nice to see your new blog.....

    but you have been really mean to me......
    I really enjoy reading your stuff and do remember always contrast make best, so I know I cant write such good and immortal and impeccable and unique stuff....Neither my thinking and observation can think on such minute things (specially in descriptive format)
    and I find your writing quite interesting.....since i just write stuffs to discuss nothing as....

    any way its been a nice and most awaited blog, so Amir khan(Mr. perfectionist) of blogger has just arrived on blogger.

  3. @PK no that path3ticblog comment was actually a joke. In fact, a filler since I couldn't think of something better. Of course I know that yours was actually hilarious than mine, so I didn't miss to write that. Whichever posts I mentioned in my previous post have some kind of speciality. So, I may try to go in their field, taking some inspiration from them; but at the end of the day, the respective bloggers are king of their fields.

    And of course, I know your comments are not buttery but the random stuff that you write as soon as it comes in your mind. It just happens to be good coincidently :P

  4. @VK: I tell you what, I first thought of waiting for sometime till your birthday to actually post something outside of 'buzzRSH' but I got too impatient to wait till then, plus I thought waiting for a week would mean that some of my posts may become stale.

    Anyways, I am no Mr. perfectionist. I just try what I like to write and what I think others may enjoy reading. It's just a coincidence that you happen to like my posts so much.

    Plus it's really important that we don't copy each other. So, though I may try to comment on this country and it's politics sometime in the future, it will always remain your speciality. That's what makes you unique. Long, thoughtful pieces. And that's exactly what I like about your blog. So keep going.

  5. Wo, Wo.. What the heLL has he written here. This is just a piece of crap. But well afsos, WHAT WOULD HE THINK WHEN I TELL HIM.'cause he is my best buddy. I CAN risk quarreling with him AND MAKE HIM piss off RATHER THAN NOT TELLING HIM THIS. Hehe, but poor guy thinks he is writing something coo! AS IF HE KNOWS ME MUCH (mischievous smile >) But I would SURELY like him to write about his girl friend sometime.
    well this is something i would have written had i seen this earlier. I thought you know me well but as i say "You have changed buddy" :P
    Now since you have already read my first comment on your blog that was on topic "RavS 3.5 vs........" i dont think i need to say anything. I will give 4/10 on your thinking about me LOL

  6. hehe, it was written with what I really think u all "might" be thinking with a little bit of exaggeration (for humor purpose).

    So my comments on ur hypothetical comments need to be taken with a pinch of salt.

    Having said that I thought, I should have gotten a 6/10 at least.
