Well this is embarrassing, I set out to make a code day out of today, trying to make up for the last 5 days of missed coding (I had thought of programming something, anything for at least an hour everyday this month), but since the thought of coding for hours seemed a bit overwhelming (scary!), I started it up by reading various blog posts lying in my Feed Reader's ReadItLater (starred) list. As the day went on I had to do a few other tasks (GIMP, spend quality time with a friend) so when I returned to actually starting coding, I had really less time left to actually do anything (not enough to call it a "Code Day"). So, I ended up reading a few more posts from the aforementioned list.
OK, here it warrants a little story. I am a little addicted to reading feeds, and at one time it became almost like an obsession of keeping up with ever growing list of feeds. My starred items kept on growing and growing and reached over 400!. At that time I realized, that I was trying to take in too much. And from there on I have been clearning away the feeds that I can't keep up with without giving significant part of my day. I specifically removed Lifehacker, DZone, and DumbLittleMan (though I really liked all of them :). What it did was, it made it easier to actually read the things everyday and not *star* it for the future RavS to read (who already had so much to read!). Anyways, after removing the clutter, one thing that was still left was to get rid of starred items by either deleting them OR by reading them (what's the use of storing something when you will never use it?).
For the last 50 days or so I have been reading around 10 of those articles everyday (also deleting a lot of "not good enough" posts). And today, since I went for the kill, here is what I achieved...
Success!! | | | | | | |
OK, not quite! I have around 2 dozens blog posts still remaining to be read but I have moved them to another "more urgent" list where I *will* read them in a day or 2. I also know that just reading so many posts together is NOT doing me any good since I am hardly going to keep so much information together, inside my head, but that's again the obsessive RavS at work :)
Alright, so the *Code Day!* turned out to be *Read Day!*. So, from today I do another change in my 31DLH experiment. Instead of announcing what I will do the next day, let me decide the thing on the next day itself and then do it accordingly. So, I won't tell you what I will do tomorrow (may be *Code Day!* :)