Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Mind Your Own Work!

"OK, first what's Mind Your Own Work Day?" you ask...Well it's the day where I mind my work! In other words, give full focus to my current task, not thinking about the one just completed, or the things still remaining to be done.

"So, how did the day go?" you ask again...Well it was path3tic, but still a success!

"How come it can be both?" you wonder... Well, the day started as idiotically as it can. I just gave in to my temptations and ended up spending 2 hours checking mails and other updates. Actually, when you have just posted an awesome blog post and made your blog public, you can't really blame me for that also :) But it was all downhill from there. After I was done with that, I went to watch a few TV series episodes, fully knowing I would end up watching more than I intended to. After that it was lunch time.

So here I was, with already 2 pm on the clock and nothing significant done since morning. Worse, there was no motivation to do anything (it happens with me on at least 2-3 days per week).

Now there were 2 options, either go on with my lethargic day and at the end of the day write a post that say "sorry people, I couldn't spend the day properly" (or worse, just lie about it since no one will know!) OR fight off the mediocrity and get at least something done.Thankfully, I chose the later option (really!).

I went  on to do almost all the things mentioned on first day, except reading 1 chapter from book (I don't like to read the same book again :). But what was good, that going with today's theme, I gave full attention to the current task and so the work completed was more satisfying than the other 2 days.

I think the reason I slacked in the morning is because I just can't maintain balance in between work time and play time. Sometimes, I just get shit done without really giving myself any rest, so automatically I start craving for more play time later on.

Keeping that in mind, I will try and seek a "Maintain Balance Day!" tomorrow.

"Well that's appreciable!" you would be thinking. Then why just think, let me know through a comment! Appreciated!

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